Saturday, August 21, 2010


I have not posted much so far! ACK this is terrible. I am headed back to school tomorrow... the first semester ended up wonderfully and have been enjoying the last three weeks relaxing to the best of my ability. I have been very busy with my knitting these past few weeks... i will post some of my items soon!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Time is flying... i need to be better at writing!

I am entering my fifth week of nursing school. It has been crazy, but been enjoying it very much. Still missing my family, and the dorm life is much different than the first time around.

I just finished my midterms, and next week is finals for the first two classes.
Started in the nursing home helping people last week and this week I get to do a lot more. We start tomorrow at 6am! early early morning! Then tomorrow afternoon we have our injection skills check-off. Yes, I get to give one of my classmates an intromucular and subcutaneous shots. Funny story... we learned about medicine administration and injections 2 weeks ago. I give Papa his b-12 Intromucular shots if i am home on the 1st and 15th, so i am not nervous giving those, however... never given an "insulin" or TB shot. So i decide to try them on myself! I tried the TB on the arm, but could not get my skin taught enough with the surringe in my other hand. So, i did it on my thigh... i did it well and with no trouble. Then i tried the insulin shot. i was nervous!!! kept psyching myself out. finally did it (yes all my needles were sterile and used a very small amount of sterile saline). I DIDN'T FEEL IT GO IN! as i looked down i moved the needle... go figure. Had a bruise for 10 days... my class mates think i am crazy lol... in a good way.

Toby this past week started a fire in the microwave... hehe. Guess we will be getting a new one soon! Love him very much and think his trials as a single parent are wonderfully grounding. We have all had these mistakes... i remember when i was heating on very low, a pot of bleach water to make it react better with the stain in my white shirt... well ... new mommy brain, forgot that it was on and burned my shirt! that shirt went in the trash HAHA.

Laci is enjoying being a "nurse like mommy". and she is excited to go to school because i tell her mommy goes to school and works hard to be a nurse, and then laci says i work hard too mommy! so cute.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The first few days

Last Thursday and Friday we had orientation. Two very long days. Totally freaked out by the current student pannel that came in to talk to us.

At the wonderful age of 28, I moved BACK into the DORMS! Yes you read that correctly! I will be staying on campus during the week and traveling home on the weekends to see my lil terrorist and my very supportive hubby. Moving back in the dorms does come with it's problems though. I have a air/heating/ac vent that "speaks" to me all day and all night... brrrrrr... silence for about 3 seconds... brrrrrrrrr (5 seconds).... and so on and so on. I have already filled out a work order for that... Ug it is so annoying. I constantly have the TV or Music on to drown it out.
Next... all I have to say is COMMUNITY BATHROOMS! Need I say more? For now I am staying in the oldest dorm (probably older than my parents)... oops sorry Mom, I know you are still 39... There are two bathrooms per floor... Male and Female. Next semester I will be moving into the BRAND NEW - NEVER BEEN SLEPT IN dorm with a floor dedicated to nursing students. But for now, I share my bathroom, share my hall, but I do have my own room!

As we all know, I have returned to school to earn my second bachelors degree, a degree in nursing (hence the title of my blog). Hubby is working and being a single parent during the week. Sometimes I am cheering inside at the thought that he now gets to experience what I went through as a single mom while he was deployed, and the other part of me aches to be with them. I am so lucky to have a husband who is supportive of my endevors.

Now, as any newly singled parent does, we make funny stories to tell in the future. I have to write some of these down now or I will forget them. Preface: I made many many dinners to be put in the freezer so it is easier for Dear Hubby (DH) to adjust to this life of single parentdom. I made a meal calendar as well. First night this week I get a call asking how to cook Spagetti. Now please, don't think I am making fun of my husband, I am not. I simply find these events entertaining and it makes me feel needed and wanted :) I had the meatballs in the fridge defrosted for them. All he had to do was cook the noodles, heat the meatballs in the sauce, drain the noodles and put the sauce on top of said cooked noodles. This is what DH did. Cooked noodles. Microwaved meatballs to warm them up (turned to cardboard texture meatballs). when noodles were in the bowl cooked, he poured the sauce directly from the jar onto hot noodles and put meatballs on top. Mixed it up. Serve.
Night 1 alone... lesson in cooking.
Thank you honey for making me smile! Now I realize I need to give better directions for cooking since I have always done it!